Threats in the Deep by Addison Fox


Threats in the Deep by Addison Fox, book three in the New York Harbor Patrol series, is a good mixture of romance and suspense. Gavin and Sera had a one night stand on New Year's Eve, exchanging only first names and small details about who they were. Neither has been able to forget the other and now Sera is pregnant; with no idea how to find him to tell him. Sera, an assistant district attorney, is invited to participate in a special task force with the police department, Coast Guard, and several federal agencies. It's a good career move and an intriguing opportunity. The last thing she expected was to encounter Gavin, the father of her baby. Gavin, a diver with the NYPD's Harbor Unit, was equally surprised to see Sera. The two of them had a lot of things to work through. They both have complicated family histories that make it difficult to get close to others, but they have to learn to trust each other since there is an unexpected baby on the way. I liked their connection and how Gavin's interest in her and her work made Sera feel good. Also, the way they talked together and how sensitive they were to each other's moods. Sera's confession of her pregnancy might have shocked Gavin, but he quickly embraced the idea. I enjoyed seeing how their time together brought them closer and helped them overcome their hesitation.

The discovery of a weapons cache by the diving team provided a suspenseful situation that kept me hooked from start to finish. Gavin and Sera's teamwork was amazing, as was the involvement of the other Harbor team members. The escalating danger by the person behind the guns had everyone on edge, and intensified with the team, and their families, coming under attack A twist at the end brings insight and danger to Sera, with a final confrontation that had me on the edge of my seat.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

#NetGalley #Harlequin


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