The Beauty of Rain by Jamie Beck
The Beauty of Rain by Jamie Beck, is a beautiful, heartbreaking, heart-wrenching exploration of the relationship between two sisters whose lives are marked by a number of challenges and how they deal with truly tragic heartbreaking events. True love, loss, friendship, forgiveness and caring; be prepared to not be able to put it down. Themes of loss, grief, suicide, and prescription drug dependency are found throughout the story and while intense and emotional, each is handled with sensitivity and compassion. A solid, well-thought out, realistic story, but be forewarned, this is not a “feel-good,” escapist read. I was not prepared for how heavy this book was so here is a warning. And do keep the tissues nearby.
Ms Beck has so
beautifully taken us on a journey of what’s really important, and what we all
need to do to just stop and enjoy the little moments from time to time. I highly recommend The Beauty of Rain
to other readers.
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