Ozarks Witness Protection by Maggie Wells


 Ozarks Witness Protection by Maggie Wells, book three in the Arkansas Special Agents series, is an emotional, suspenseful, and roller coaster ride of suspense.  Widow Kayla Powers, once considered a suspect, is now being targeted by the person that likely murdered her husband and his son, when she is shot collecting her mail. She recently found her husband, and his son murdered, in their home and has since become responsible for her wealthy husband’s business as his sole beneficiary. Her friends Michelle, FBI agent/lawyer, and Ethan, former lawyer and currently a detective, convince her that she needs protection. Special Agent Ryan Hastings is assigned to protect Kayla. As they continue to evade the murderer, feelings develop. But professionalism on Ryan’s side and the unexpected surprise Kayla is carrying, as well as the danger has keeping Kayla alive, the primary goal. This action packed story, will keep you on the edge of your seats and while the romance is subtle, it will keep the romantics engaged. I highly recommend Ozarks Witness Protection to other readers.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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