Her Pretend Amish Boyfriend by Rachel J. Good


Her Pretend Amish Boyfriend by Rachel J. Good, book five in her Surprised by Love series, is an inspiring and heartwarming tale featuring two Amish people, Caroline Hartzler, whose family has a barbeque chicken stand in the market, and Noah Riehl, an auctioneer, at the Valley Greens Farmers Market. If he could, newcomer Noah Riehl would work every day and then go home; not interacting with anyone else.


Caroline has a good heart but is impulsive and often speaks without thinking about what she was saying. She seemed to always being criticized: by her best friend, her brother, and her parents; no matter what she did it always turned out to be the wrong thing. Accidentally bumping into newcomer Noah, she became intrigued and curious about him. When Caroline is backed into a corner by an unhappy opposing male volleyball player, she declares that Noah is her boyfriend. Although it was supposed to only be for a moment, Noah and Caroline are soon fake-dating, and it not long before their feelings towards one another to grow.

Noah is kind and has a really good heart despite having been dealt some hard knocks in his young life. He is a victim of circumstances as someone close to Noah betrayed him and lied about him. Noah hasn’t forgiven those that hurt him and over the years he has withdrawn from people. It seems that Noah is punishing himself and has turned away from G-d. He didn’t intend to become interested in romance, but he can’t help being interested in the pretty outspoken Amish girl who ran into him.
There is an attraction between the two, but Noah's past makes him leery about getting involved with anyone, much less a love interest. But Caroline is a fixer, sometimes to a fault.


This is a strong story of faith, and reclaiming that faith. In order to be in good standing with their Amish faith, both Noah and Caroline must make wise decisions that will impact their future.

It was enjoyable to see Mrs. Vandenburg, an Englisch woman, over the age of 90, whose family started the market and who played a prominent part in this story. Mrs. V is a wonderful and caring fighter for the rights of others and a great matchmaker, with a direct line to G-d. This is a touching story of the how far one will go for their family and loved ones. We see the importance of forgiveness and healing relationships, especially one's relationship with G-d. I highly recommend Her Pretend Amish Boyfriend to other readers.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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