With All Her Heart by Kelly Irvin
With All Her Heart by Kelly Irvin, book two
in the Amish Calling series, is a faith filled,
sweet, heartwarming story about not letting your fears, shyness or disabilities
hold you back, finding G-d’s path for you, and being brave enough to find true
love without your fears stopping you.
It is a story filled with emotion as a young woman with a disability struggles
with whether or not she should court a young man. This series is
unique in that its main theme is genetic disabilities, as a result of intermarriage
within the Amish.
Bonnie Yoder was quite young when they discovered she had Spinal
Muscular Atrophy or SMA. Gradually she was losing the strength in her muscles
which caused her to depend on a rollator to get around. Bonnie co-owned
Homespun Handicrafts, a successful gift shop in Lee’s Gulch Virginia, with two
other disabled Amish women. While Bonnie has managed her disability well and
achieved success in her business, she has never imagined marriage or children
in her future, as she feared the SMA would hold her back from having a normal
life with a husband and children.
Elijah Miller, on the other hand, comes from a
family of auctioneers but struggles with shyness, making it unlikely that he
will follow in his father or brother’s footsteps. His talent and passion is in
creating wooden toys from carvings. He has been working in a workshop behind
his family’s home and dreams of turning his hobby into a business and
eventually having his own family. He’s decided to see if he could sell his toys
at Bonnie’s shop on consignment.
Elijah and Bonnie come to an agreement for
selling his items. Spending time together, they realize that there’s a deeper
connection between them despite their individual challenges. Though they share
a connection, they struggle to find a way that will bring both of them
happiness. They both must face their fears and deal with pride; the pride of
asking for help.
Ms. Irvin wrote a wonderful, heartfelt, sweet, and moving story that focused on how the Amish value
children with different abilities. While the main focus of the story is on
Elijah and Bonnie’s love story, there is also a delightful secondary love story
that adds to the overall charm of the narrative. This book is a story of love
and acceptance that celebrates the happiness of even less-than-perfect protagonists.
#NetGalley #Zondervan #WithAllHerHeart
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