Serenity's Secret by Lisa Jones Baker


 Serenity's Secret by Lisa Jones Baker, book six in the Heart of the Amish series, is an enjoyable and sweet story where two people learn how to forgive and trust.  Serenity Miller had a major health problem as a teen; so seriously ill, few people thought she would live. As a result, the illness has affected her future, one that could seriously be a problem for an Amish woman. She has told no one, not even her closest friends, about this; keeping it a secret. She enjoys running her flower shop, visiting with her friends, while she lives alone. Serenity was confronted by trespassers and left tied up in her barn. Fortunately, her neighbor, Stephen Lantz, showed up at just the right time. Stephen adores Serenity and wants to move their relationship forward. Serenity is in love with Stephen, but afraid to marry him because of her secret. Once he learned the secret, he had to convince Serenity that he loved her enough and didn’t care about her secret; he just wanted her to be his wife, and live the rest of his life with her. Together, they will face Serenity’s health issue, as well as keep her safe in case those trespassers return. Between prayer, forgiveness, acceptance and love, Serenity and Stephan will find a way to a life together.


Maybe because I enjoy reading Amish stories, I was able to figure out Serenity’s secret early on. The greed and entitlement of the trespassers, along with what they were looking for, was evident early on also. Despite this, I still enjoyed this story and recommend it to other readers.


#NetGalley #Forever # BarbourPublishing


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