Once Upon a December by Amy Reichert


Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert is a whimsical story that takes the reader on a magical journey in a setting of snow, holiday spirit and romance. Imagine living in a world of baking and Christmas markets all year long, then meeting someone you have a connection with, only to be not able to date her or meet her outside in the world as we know it. Yes, definitely frustrating.

Astra has just gone through a divorce lowering her self-esteem and making her vulnerable. Fortunately, Astra has a caring friend group from her college days, who rally around her and help her through this tough time. Her friends are fun and supportive, adding some humor and help Astra grow after the divorce. Jack works in a Christmas market that magically moves around the world. He is happy being a baker and his Kringles sound delicious. He prefers to stay inside a market full of family and friends, never wanting to leave to visit the world outside of the market; until he does. Each of the shops in this market had humorous, pun-like names.

The story alternates between the past and present presenting the development of Jack and Astra’s relationship over the years. There was definitely a destiny or fate aspect going on, making it the easier to accept decisions that were made. I loved the nisse (gnome-like figures) that Jack carved and gifted to Astra. Jack and Astra’s journey to finding happiness was not an easy one.

Spiked hot cocoa and holiday hats are in abundance. A fun holiday read to get you in the mood for the holiday season. Explore a special Christmas market that exists outside of time, only appearing for three weeks prior to Christmas Day, at different Christmas markets around the world; disappearing on Christmas Day, and visitors don't remember it. It may or may not come back to the same location, and time passes differently for its residents. I highly recommend Once Upon a December to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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