Built to Last by Erin Hahn



Built to Last by Erin Hahn was a second chance romance for Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs who met as children on a popular television show. Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs were child-stars on a popular show, secretly crushing on each other during those growing-up years. After the show was over and they went different ways, Cam went to college. Shelby stayed in LA for a bit longer, dating Lyle Jessup, their other co-star, until Lyle not only cheated on Shelby, but also wrote a Grammy winning song full of lies about her and married her best friend.  Shelby left LA five years ago, working with her father’s reconstruction of old houses and vintage furniture business; wanting to prove the world she is not the same child star actress and pop star she had been. She’s enjoying her life: living in a house she’s renovating, refinishing vintage furniture in a workshop in her barn, raising chickens. Her best friends, Maren and Lorelai, a former Country singer, have her back and help her through her worse moments. Shelby wants to prove to the world she’s grown-up, matured, and wants to support her father’s retirement fund by working on a home renovation reality show concept but the channel producers want to replace her father with someone younger; someone she’s already has onscreen chemistry with, Cameron. Not only that, it’s Lyle who’s producing the show, pulling the strings. Cam decides to take a sabbatical from his videographer job with National Geographic to work on this show. His family lives nearby as does his best friend and former college roommate, allowing him the opportunity to spend time with them.


Working together, Shelby gets to demonstrate her real talent, refinishing vintage objects, while Cam learns how to flip a house from Shelby’s dad. These two complement each other as they work together flipping a house, flirting, and communicating, showing that the chemistry Shelby and Cam had as teens is still evident, sparking and igniting flames between them. I enjoyed watching them become closer, spending time together away from the “set”, their conversations, their group of friends, and their families. It was obvious they were soul mates, meant to be together. I highly recommend Built to Last to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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