The Secret Daughter by Anne Gracie


The Secret Daughter by Anne Gracie, book four in her The Brides of Bellaire Gardens series, is a captivating story, with humor, and wit, while engaging the reader; creating an enjoyable read. Orphaned Zoë Benoit was discovered in an orphanage by her two half-sisters, Clarissa and Izzy. Her mother was a member of the aristocracy in France before the Reign of Terror, who fled to England, losing her status and struggling to make a living.  Zoe could speak aristocratic French, but her English was that of the lower class. The sisters devised a plan to send her to France with friends, to learn how to be a lady so she could take her place in society when she returned.

While attending a house party to practice her new social skills, Zoë ends up having to fend off the advances of the son of her hosts; realizing she needs to leave. The son has also made advances to a maid and together they leave the estate. Zoe decides to travel to the Chateau, her ancestral home, which was nearby; switching clothes with the maid before sending her on to Paris and her friends' home. As she makes her way to her mother's home, dressed as a maidservant named Vita, she encounters a vagabond artist who offers her refuge, after meeting more assailants on the road.

Reynard loves the life of a vagabond and when he meets the beautiful Vita he discovers that she too is an artist, a very good one, so he does his best to convince her to stay as they paint portraits for the farmers to replace old paintings that Reynard takes with him. A major misunderstanding occurs and Vita disappears, not even leaving a note. He searches for her, but cannot find her; and it is now time for him to return to London and his other life.

Back in London and his life as Julian Fox, Earl of Foxton, he discovers a portrait that his grandmother has had done, instantly recognizing it as the work of Vita; he then sets off to find her. It was not going to be easy and when he does he needs to convince her that she can trust him. When Zoe meets up with Reynard, aka the Earl of Foxton, many emotions run through her. He might be the man she fell for and she learns she can she trust him, but she is still not convinced that she is made to be a ton wife. Zoe and Julian have a lot of hurdles to cross before they can find their HEA; including the fabulous Lady Scattergood.

Although I enjoyed this story, the first half of this book is definitely stronger than the second. I loved reading about the two working on commissioned paintings and living in a little wagon in the countryside. The English ton part is also good, but the plot dragged a bit in the middle.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

#Berkley #NetGalley #TheSecretDaughter


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