Ruby Spencer's Whisky Year by Rochelle Bilow


Ruby Spencer's Whisky Year by Rochelle Bilow is a story of community and a coming-of-age novel for a woman in her mid-30s. It’s a big-hearted and tender story with a generous helping of romance. Ruby is feeling lost and stuck in her NYC job. She quits and moves to a small town in the Scottish Highlands in order to write a cookbook. This story follows Ruby from the time she arrives in the village that will be her new home for the next year. She’ll be living in a small cottage, and she’ll spend the first several weeks working on a proposal for her agent before she officially begins writing a cookbook. The only problem is that she doesn’t have a concise concept for her book just yet. While there she finds a newfound family of close-knit neighbors, a swoony Highland man and inspiration for her book. I couldn't get enough of this. It was funny and heartfelt with amazing food descriptions and just plain wonderful in all the best ways.


With wonderful characters that just make you smile, unique and delightful people making you want to be there and involved in this small town too, Ms. Bilow gives the scenery quite the vivid description, allowing the reader to visualize the places Ruby visits, smell the grass, rain, flowers, gardens, and pub. You can almost taste the whisky and all of the food cooking. The sights, sounds, and smells are upfront and personal in your own imagination due to Bilow's intricate development of the scenes. I highly recommend Ruby Spencer's Whisky Year to other readers.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. 


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