Just Beachy by Kate Angell - The Rogues Are Back!!


I loved, loved, loved Allie and Max and their instant love story in Just Beachy by Kate Angell, book one in her Barefoot William/Sunkissed Key series.  This wonderful book brings the reader once again back to Barefoot William, a new group of Rogues, and a new family, the Worths; and kidnapped me from page one until I turned the last page. Store owner and Barefoot William resident Allie Worth and Max Traxer, the new shortstop for the Rogues, connect unexpectedly. Without sharing last names, these two spend a wonderful and amazing day together, getting to know each other better in one day than some couple in years. A second unexpected encounter, while both are supposed to be bus, leads to uncovering secrets, last names, and a bonding experience for the starting Rogues.


Ms. Angell wrote a wonderful, emotional, and humorous instant love story that is not to be missed. This story is filled with sizzling chemistry, fun dialogue, and endearing characters.  I totally want to retire in Barefoot William or at least winter there.  This book should definitely be on everyone’s reading list. I highly recommend Just Beachy to other readers and cannot wait for the next book in this series.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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