Grump in a Kilt by Kait Nolan


Grump in a Kilt by Kait Nolan, book two in her Kilted Hearts series, is a wonderful, heartwarming story with brogues, kilts and mended hearts; featuring an older couple, who find purpose and renewal in their lives. Charlotte Vazquez has been Raleigh’s second mom, traveling to Scotland to help him after he became the Baron of Lochmara. She is enjoying living her life in Scotland, except for dealing with grumpy estate manager, Malcolm Niall. After a devastating loss, Malcolm has spent the past twenty years hiding from the world. As manager of a Highland estate, he's built a life of purpose, caring for the land and animals. And for the past six months, his peace has been utterly destroyed by a sexy Southern whirlwind who's never met a stranger. Worse, they have to work together daily.

Charlotte and Malcolm are complete opposites; she’s sunshine: happy and a people pleaser while he’s all grump, preferring to be by himself. But looks are deceiving. Underneath her happiness she has pain and sadness, something Malcolm can relate to. While she drinks to remember, he drinks to forget his loss. Malcolm actually quite sweet and thoughtful under his layer of grumpiness; his apology gift to Charlotte is proof of that. Charlotte was exactly what he needed; she brought life back to him and him back to life. As different as these two were, they connected through their past grief, as well as while helping and protecting a teenage boy they found hiding on the estate. Gavin had been living under horrible conditions with an abusive father and finally ran away. When Gavin’s safety is threatened, almost sending Malcolm spiraling into his past demons, it was Charlotte who reminded him of not only his promise to Gavin, but of the man she sees. When it comes to helping Gavin, they become a seamless team; dropping the walls around their hearts, helping them move ahead in their relationship.

Ms. Nolan wrote a wonderful, intriguing, and heartwarming story that should not be missed. She provided a tale showcasing her characters as the wonderful people they were. Filled with magnetic attraction, sizzling chemistry, clever banter, and secondary characters deserving of their own story; the grumpy/ sunshine silver fox team of Malcolm and Charlotte were dynamic. They both understood from past experiences how important it is to help others. I highly recommend Cowboy in a Kilt to other readers and look forward to the next book in the series.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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