Stirring Up Trouble


Stirring Up Trouble by Kimberly Kincaid, book three in her Pine Mountain series; a reworking, updating, and re-release of a book, is a delightful, funny, romantic and wonderful romance you won’t be able to put down. Sloane Russo is a fun loving and free spirited author, who has some quirky ways of how she thinks she should live her life. Gavin Carmichael is a resort restaurant manager who is quiet, serious, rules follower who takes care of his moody thirteen year old half-sister Bree. Sloane and Gavin meet through mutual friends when Gavin needs a sitter for his sister and Sloane needs a job to earn money to go to Greece to research a book she's going to write. None of them want to be in this position but they are needed by each other. Sloan is a traveler never wanting to put down roots. Gavin is busy with his job at the restaurant and raising sister. Bree believes she doesn't need anyone to watch her after school and while Gavin is at work. Bree has been having problems since their mother died and left with Gavin being in charge of raising her. She's still grieving but has no idea how to handle it. Sloane feels like a fish out of water, unsure she is able to contribute to Bree's situation, since she's never had kids.


Once again Ms. Kincaid creates a wonderful story that is filled with all the emotions, the connections and the love. I totally enjoyed Gavin and Sloane, and Bree’s, anti-nanny, single dad, boss-employee grump-sunshine small town romance. I highly recommend Stirring Up Trouble to other.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, but also own a copy of the earlier edition.


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