Confessions of a Canine Drama Queen
Confessions of a Canine Drama Queen by Stefanie London, book three in her Paws in the City series, is a heartwarming, moving, rom-com. This is the story of August and Keaton who have a long, complicated history; but both are harboring heartache. August Merriweather owns a successful luxury animal grooming business. She is known as ‘The Dog Whisperer’ by her friends and clients. August desperately wants to find “the one”; however, all she seems to find are the duds. August has been in love with her best friend’s older brother, Keaton, since she first met him at a teenager; but it wasn’t meant to be back then, and hasn’t found anyone who can measure up to him. Each date she goes on is a bigger disaster than the last. Keaton Sax is a widow, known in the business world as ‘The Wall Street Whiz Kid’. Keaton intends to keep the promise he made to his late wife of becoming a named partner. He is terrified of letting others get close; a defense mechanism to protect himself from further pain and heartache.When his sister asks for a favor, he agrees to take her dramatic husky, Molly, to a weekend talent competition. Keaton knows nothing about such events, so he asks the one woman who can help them, August. When her best friend’s older brother asks for help, she agrees. August knows that Keaton is her worst possible match, yet she cannot ignore the feelings he stirs within her and she frightens him on an emotional level.
Watching these two navigate their way to one another as they chase a
happily ever after was an emotional roller coaster. Both Keaton and August
struggled with the ghosts of their pasts, and they also had a lot of history
having been part of each other's lives for so long. It was a pleasure seeing
them support and aid each other as they unpacked their baggage. This was especially
important for Keaton as his wife's death left him not wanting to risk forming
connections of any kind. He became his job, and this did not fill the hole in
his heart the way he thought it would. There
is some seriousness in this story, as well as joy and laughter, especially the
antics of Molly the husky. I highly recommend Confessions of a Canine Drama Queen to
other readers.
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