Waking Up Married to the Billionaire
Waking Up Married to the Billionaire by Michelle Douglas takes the reader on a magical visit to Switzerland at Christmas time with a castle (even if it isn’t fortified), following Ruby and Luis, and their journey toward love. Ruby and Luis enjoyed a fun week getting to know each other while they were in Las Vegas, until Ruby didn't receive the promotion she earned. Luis helped her drown her sorrows, and they are shocked when they wake up to discover they are married. After assessing the predicament they are in, they realize that maybe they can make this work to their advantage. Ruby has something to prove, and Luis's mother has been determined to see him married for reasons she won't share. So he will give his mother her wish; bring home the worse wife possible. Ruby is far from the spoiled gold-digger who has Luis wrapped around her little finger, but she successfully pulls off the role, making this a truly hilarious read. It's even funnier when Luis's mother loves her anyway, making Ruby and Luis work harder to uncover her secret. Also, Ruby comes to some realizations about herself and her own family, bringing some deeper, heartfelt moments into this glorious Christmas story.
This romance has everything that a romance should have: fabulous
characters, a gorgeous setting, filled with emotion, fun, witty and quite
romantic, I loved Luis and Ruby so much; both of them are caring and loving
people, who were vulnerable, and met at the perfect time. I highly recommend Waking Up Married to the Billionaire to other readers.
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