Hott Shot by Serena Bell


Quinn and Sonya’s story in Hott Shot by Serena Bell, book one in her new Hott Springs Eternal series, is a wonderful, heartwarming, grumpy/sunshine, with a bit of close proximity; the perfect start to this new series about the Hott brothers. After Fox Hott passed away, all of his grandsons are forced to return to Rush Creek for the reading of his will. It seems grandpa has a few tricks up his sleeves to get the family back together, even beyond the grave. They either have to do his bidding or they lose the family land to an evil mining company.

Quinn Hott, Hanna's youngest brother, is a world renowned scientist and the founder of a highly successful biotech company. The assignment he received is to staff the reception desk at the family's spa. Quinn is aloof and unsure of himself. He's always been the outcast and has convinced himself he isn't a people person or even a very well liked person; an introvert and social misfit. Welcoming people to the spa is so NOT his thing. Not only that, Quinn is required to live onsite, but the cabin he was assigned was already in use, by Sonya.


Sonya Rossi is the manager at Hott Spot, the day spa Quinn has to work at. Sonya was such a giving character, despite the rough childhood she had; it’s natural for her to provide without ever being provided for. Now she’s handed a bearded grumpy man to be her receptionist for three months; at a time when she needs the spa to earn as much income as possible. Sharing her cabin with Quinn was so not part of her job.


Quinn has an absolute heart of gold but covers it with a grumpy exterior. He did all he could to help Sonya, especially when she didn't ask for it; showing her how much he cared for her. Sonya and Quinn were perfect for each other. He is a patient, natural provider who just needed someone to show him how worthy he is. She desperately needed someone like him to show her she was worthy of help and support.

Ms. Bell provided a love story where the sweet and handsome nerd gets the girl and his confidence, while the strong, independent woman gets spoiled by the man of her dreams. A tale rich with sizzling chemistry, magnetic attraction, a caring community, clever banter, family dynamics, and the magic of love, providing a future together for Quinn and Sonya. It was enjoyable getting to know the other Hott brothers, the other women from the salon, and the Hanna and Easton Wilder update. I highly recommend Hott Shot to other readers and look forward to the next book in the series.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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