The Little Italian Hotel by Phaedra Patrick
Little Italian Hotel by Phaedra Patrick is a heartwarming and uplifting tale of friendship, family, and
healing that will keep you turning the pages to the end. This wonderful tale features five strangers coming
together and helping each other deal with their grief, which comes in all
shapes and sizes. Whether it is the loss of a marriage, a beloved pet, one’s
own health, and one’s independence, or a relationship one never expected to
change, the grief these losses cause are all portrayed as valid and devastating.
The hotel where the group stays is smaller and traditionally Italian. The owner
and his teenage daughter have their own backstory surrounding loss. Ms. Patrick
does an amazing job allowing each character to tell their own backstory as they
begin to feel comfortable with the group. As each of the characters come to terms with their
situation, they grow personally and develop a closeness that will last them a
lifetime. The descriptions of Bologna, Italy, the beautiful locations for the day
trips that the group takes to nearby areas such as Venice, its culture, and the
delicious food provided a vacation within one’s mind. I highly recommend The
Little Italian Hotel to other readers.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of
this book.
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