 One Night Rancher by Maisey Yates, book three in her The Carsons of Lone Rock series, is Jace and Cara’s friends-to-lovers story. Jace Carson has forgotten how to love; or rather he couldn’t. Losing his sister Sophia, when he was twelve, was devastating. With that lost he shut down his emotions and heart to any kind of deep relationships or love; so that he could never get hurt again. He loved his family but again kept them at arm’s length, so it doesn't hurt quite so bad when they leave. But Cara was different, she was his best friends and she reminded him of his sister Sophia. So he became Cara's protector as well as her best friend. Did he notice she was beautiful, intelligent and kind, absolutely, but those thoughts were placed in the back of his mind. He also doesn't believe in having a dream in life. Dreams mean you look towards the future, and Jace doesn't know how to do that. He lives in the moment, rides the rodeo, and when he's not out on the circuit, he's helping his friends and family with their businesses. That includes Cara, as she runs her the bar she inherited from her grandfather.

Cara has had feelings for her best friend Jace for a long time; but sadly he treats her more like a sister, as in addition to being her best friend, and Cara wants so much more. She wants Jace as a partner or a lover. Cara inherited her grandfather’s bar, which she loves running and keeping it viable, but she's ready, for a challenge, something else to keep her busy; maybe expand somehow. Then an opportunity comes available, the haunted hotel next door is for sale. Part of the prerequisite to buy the hotel is spending a night there. Cara shares with Jace that she is thinking of purchasing the hotel and how she is required to spend the night; ensuring that she won't back out because of the ghost or haunting aspect. Jace makes the decision to stay with her. One night alone together in an empty hotel, an unexpected confession and a man who's given permission to acknowledge the feelings he's always had for his best friend change their lives. A change that assists them in helping each other heal and giving Jace a chance to dream, hope, and love once again.


Ms. Yates wrote a amazing, intense, emotional and steamy story that should not be missed. She provided a tale rich with soul-searching, angst, characters whose personal stories will tug at your heartstrings, sizzling chemistry, and an amazing cast of secondary characters as Jace and Cara find their happily ever after. I highly recommend One Night Rancher to other readers.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. 


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