Vanessa Jared’s Got a Man by LaQuette

Vanessa Jared’s Got a Man by LaQuette is
a cute, multicultural, diverse romance featuring 40-somethings who get an unexpected chance at love. Vanessa Jared devoted her life to a man who molded her into what he believed to be an acceptable wife. It took her twenty-some years to face that he was a cheating, controlling husband. Once divorced, she is recommended to attend a divorce group to try to work through all of the hurt and at the same time, find the person she was before she got married. While attending the group meeting, she meets two other divorcees and they start a Savvy, Sexy Singles Club, agreeing to meet monthly to help and support each other on their journeys forward. As Vanessa is leaving to meet the divas to celebrate their two years of friendship, she meets Michael Park, a sexy, Korean-American, small town sheriff who needs her help to prevent his sister from marrying Vanessa’s lying, cheat, good for nothing ex-husband. From the moment they meet, these two are caught in a web of attraction. Working together to break up Michael’s sister’s relationship only sets aflame the sparks and chemistry, to the point where they need to determine if a future together is in the works. During this time Vanessa begins to come into own, confronting her past, and planning her future. Michael using Korean terms of endearment was the sweetest thing. Vanessa and Michael’s relationships with their best friends added an extra depth to the story, hopefully setting the stage for future stories. I highly recommend Vanessa Jared’s Got a Man to other readers.  

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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