Only a Secret by Delancey Stewart



I loved Penny and Harrison’s story in Only a Secret by Delancey Stewart, book three in the Kasper Ridge series, an emotional, heartwarming, charming, and entertaining tale where they not only find love, but finally accept who they really are. Penny is a child star and after another embarrassing scandal arises, she escapes to Colorado to visit her high school best friend. While visiting the resort, she meets former fighter pilot Harrison, Brainiac, who is there helping out his Navy buddies. Aside from their instant attraction, in Penny’s mind the best thing about Harrison is that he has no idea who she is. She enjoys being able to date someone who likes her for herself, not because of her fame. However, these two are proof of the romance rule that if you are keeping a secret, it will be revealed at the worst possible moment. Harrison is a former Navy pilot who had recently been teaching mechanical engineering at a nearby college. After being turned down for tenure, he joins his military buddies at Kasper Ridge Resort to help renovate a resort. Penny and Harrison feel an instant connection although they both only plan to be in the area for a short period of time; having a seasonal fling might be all they can offer each other. Harrison believed he was broken, that his spirit had been crushed by one too many mentors, making him believe he was unfixable. Penny saw through his hidden layers, never believing he was broken. She was able to see past his gruff faΓ§ade to the sweet, cinnamon roll he truly was. These two might be hiding some information about themselves, but their feelings, connection and chemistry are off the charts. Secrets have a way of causing problems and when Harrison learns Penny has not been honest with him, he is crushed, devastated, and decides to leave the resort for another job. Remorse over their lack of communication and longing for their lost love, their soul mate, weren’t the only consequences that happen after Harrison and Penny leave the resort.  Finding a way back together, Harrison figured out he needed a grand gesture, and it was amazing, showing Penny the future they could have together; one they both deserved.


Ms. Stewart wrote an emotional, wonderful, heartwarming romance that kept me turning the pages as I followed the twist and turns of Penny and Harrison’s relationship. She provided a tale rich with a little bit of everything: magnetic attraction, sizzling chemistry, clever banter, the magic of friends, and a colorful cast of secondary characters; giving Penny and Harrison a chance at love, happiness, and a future both deserved. I highly recommend Only A Secret to other readers and I look forward to the next story in this series, hoping for more clues regarding the treasure hunt.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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