For Butter or Worse by Erin La Rosa



For Butter or Worse by Erin La Rosa, is an enemies to lovers story between two television hosts with years of annoying banter, and a fake dating situation in order to save their careers. Nina Lyon and Leo O’Donnell are co-hosts of a reality-TV competition show, The Next Cooking Champ; appearing friendly before the cameras, but off-camera they hate each other with a passion; becoming sworn enemies. After a difficult season finale, where their dislike is apparent, one of their publicists suggests they pretend they’re dating, in order to save their businesses and improve their reputations. Fake dating for the fans and paparazzi is not going to be easy for them. They are always bickering and throwing awful words at each other still. From Nina standing up to the s*xism in the culinary industry and the protective walls she’s built around herself, to Leo’s anxiety, self doubt, and constantly trying to prove himself, they are finally able find a balance; heading toward love instead of dislike. I highly recommend For Butter or Worse to other readers


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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