Summer at the French Café by Sue Moorcroft



While I was reading Summer at the French Café by Sue Moorcroft, I was transported me back to my visits to Paris, sitting at outside at a café, sharing a chocolate treats and a drink with my hubby, while people watching or reading a book. It was easy to transfer my memories to imagining myself at Livres et Café the shop that Kat Jenson manages. Although her life was far from idyllic, she faces cheating boyfriends, difficult new relationships, uneasy family relationships, and strained working situations. Family, friendships, and relationships, good or bad, are focused on throughout this story.

I enjoyed the relationship between Kat and Noah as they moved from friends to lovers. It was wonderful to see the depth of attraction they had for each other both emotionally and physically, although they definitely had some challenges to test their commitment. There were some complicated family situations for both Kat and Noah and there was a strong focus on family throughout the book. Both had experiences of broken relationships and recognized the challenges that resulted from blended families and the compromises that sometimes had to be made.

This novel is not a light, summer read, as it takes on a number of difficult topics; child abduction, domestic violence, childhood trauma, stalking and harassment. There is the slimy cheat of a boyfriend which leads to some rather vindictive revenge and causes Kat a lot of worry regarding the cyber security of the shop. A good friend has cancer, and this is not glossed over, with Kat showing love and concern for her friend. A controlling, almost abusive, relationship is also revealed. Each of these issues add a depth and understanding to the story.

Ms. Moorcroft wrote an emotional, wonderful, heartwarming novel that should not be missed. She provided a tale rich with family, family, love, the magic of friends, and a colorful cast of secondary characters. Her vivid and visual descriptions of the Alsace region of France made me long to visit.  I highly recommend Summer at the French Café to other readers.


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