Starry-Eyed Love - Helena Hunting


London and Jackson's love story in Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting, book two in her Spark House series, combines the stress of running a business with all that entails; dreams, goals, creative genius with the delicate balancing act of trying to live your life and finding happiness one deserves. It is an amazing story of family, relationships, and acceptance; misunderstand and mistrust; romance, passion and love.


Several months earlier, following the break-up of her most recent relationship, London spent the evening at a bar with her sisters where she would meet a stranger but with her break up still fresh in her mind, London declined the handsome stranger, never getting his name or details. Several months later London is doing an important presentation to help grow the family event hotel business and the CEO of Holt Media and Consulting, stops in to join the meeting and London realizes it’s the man from the bar; super rich and successful Jackson Holt. Holt Media is hoping to liaison with Spark House for a business proposal, a proposal that will bring London and Jackson up close and personal. Despite the sparks flying, the possibility of a conflict of interest forces these to remain a professional demeanor; until their chemistry interferes. What develops is the building romance and relationship between London and Jackson, and the potential fall-out as Jackson’s past refuses to walk away, destroying London. There is plenty of magnetic attraction and sizzling chemistry between these two. There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including London’s sisters Harley, Avery and Avery’s fiancΓ© Declan. Jackson’s friends and business partners Trent, Lincoln and Griffin, as well as his assistant Mitchell, and Selene Angelis, Jackson’s social media and marketing advisor also add an additional depth to the story.

Ms. Hunting wrote an emotional, wonderful, heartwarming romance that kept me turning the pages as I followed the twist and turns of Avery and Declan’s relationship. She provided a tale rich with magnetic attraction, sizzling chemistry, clever banter, the magic of friends, and charming characters giving London and Jackson a chance at love, happiness, and a future neither expected. I highly recommend Starry-Eyed Love to other readers and can’t wait for Harley’s story.



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