Always a Bridemaid by Marina Adair


Always a Bridemaid by Marina Adair, book one in A Revved-Up Romance series, is a delightful, love at first sight love story between Henry Norris, a World Formula 1 Champion race car driver, and Jane Pearce, co-owner of Bride Buddies, a company that provides bridesmaids for hire. She is contracted by Sarah to take the place of one of her bridesmaids who betrayed Sarah just before the wedding. Sarah insists that Jane sign an NDA so that no one, including her brother Henry, will know Jane isn’t really Sarah’s longtime friend and socialite Elle. Unfortunately, while at the airport, prior to check-in, Jane accidentally bumps into Henry, literally; a situation that didn’t go well.


Jane can’t help being herself around Henry. As they continue to spend time together Jane reveals to Henry real life events in her life and not in Elle’s life. Although he is suspicious of people’s motives, due to being hurt in the past, he can’t help dropping his barriers and falling for her too. Always a Bridesmaid is filled with heartbreaking and heartwarming moments that are poignant and bittersweet, along with humor and surprise plot twists that created a story that was difficult to put down.



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