The Diamond and the Duke by Christi Caldwell - An Emotional Read


The Diamond and the Duke by Christi Caldwell, book three in her All the Duke's Sins series, is a wonderful story about an injured war hero, secretive letters, and love at first sight. As a young girl, Ellie Balfour felt she didn’t fit in with her family, so when her sister-in-law‘s brother, Wesley Audrey takes the time to notice her as a girl and encourage her tomboy ways, she falls hopelessly in love. Fast-forward a few years, Ellie is no longer young girl, and Wesley has returned from the Napoleonic wars broken and scarred. Ellie plans to never marry, having her reasons for becoming a spinster; ones she does not care to share, with anyone. There is only one man who could possibly change Ellie’s mind about matrimony; except, he is a broken shell of a man, cynical, and ravaged by war. She refuses to allow Wesley’s rudeness to prevent her from helping him heal. Ellie still finds Wesley incredibly attractive and yearns to give him the strength to heal and carry on, while hiding from her debutant duties, as she is ready to face the ton and marriage mart. Ellie is successful but in doing so, she loses Wesley; until she becomes the diamond of the season. Wesley returns to the ballroom to fight for her affection.

I respect Ellie’s decision not to marry. After years of enduring her father’s abuse, she did not want to exchange one for another. Women had no rights in that time-period. I admire how Ellie refused to allow Wesley to wallow in darkness; never treating him as an invalid, but as a whole person. She wasn’t afraid to face off with Wesley; standing up to everyone on his behalf since they were treating him in ways that was making him to see himself differently. Sometimes takes a kindred soul to help another confront their mental demons and heal, and Wesley needed that. Watching their relationship build over time was wonderful, as Ellie divulges her secrets to Wesley things start to shift from friends to more; making you want to root for them. The Diamond and the Duke is a captivating story filled with raw emotion, fiery passion, and an unwavering belief in the power of love.

 #Berkeley #NetGalley



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