The Fairytale Life of Dorothy Gale
Dorothy "Dee" Gale, a grad student
struggling to find her place in the world, embarks on a journey of
self-discovery in Dublin, far from her comfortable surroundings. Determined to
rebuild her life after enduring a devastating tornado of humiliation and heartbreak,
Dorothy begins a life-changing journey. The
process of healing from deep wounds, examines the essence of home, and
celebrates the victory of reclaiming one's own narrative, is deeply examined. A
highlight is found family: Dee finds solace and support in a quirky group of
friends, and their unconventional support provides her with the love and
acceptance she needs to thrive. The theme of found family is a powerful one,
and resonates deeply in this story.
Ms. Kantra wrote her own beautiful story
with as a tribute to L. Frank Baum’s original by taking the classic children’s
tale and turning it into a heartwarming adult novel about a woman’s journey to
find the power within herself that, of course, was there all along. I found this book full of heart, brains, courage, and
an always welcome reminder of how much power we carry within. I highly recommend The Fairytale Life of Dorothy Gale to other
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