Every Good Gift by Kelly Irvin


Every Good Gift by Kelly Irvin, book three in the Amish Blessings series, is a sweet story of forgiveness, especially of oneself, generosity, grief, and faith. Maisy and Joshua's story is one of love, faith, overcoming hurts, new beginnings and hope. It’s also about repentance, accepting G-d's forgiveness, and seeking G-d's will.

Maisy Glick, a young Amish girl, who become pregnant while on her Rumspringa and seeing a non-Amish boy, Nate Taylor. Nate has plans for his life and those plans do not include a baby; leaving Maisy alone. After confessing her situation to her parents, and wanting to save them from the shame and humiliation she has caused, Maisy runs away, to live with her cousin in Haven Kansas. Maisy is young and she considers putting her baby up for adoption. She wants her baby to be raised Amish with a mother and father. However, when the time comes for her child to be born she will have to face whether to give her child to an Amish couple, unable to have children of their own, or break their hearts by keeping the baby as her own.

Joshua Lapp has struggled with his Amish faith and angry at G-d since he suffered a terrible loss when he was twelve; the loss of his twin brother. Since then he has been questioning why G-d allowed such a terrible thing was allowed to happen. His family and the bishop want him to confront his anger, forgive himself, and join the church. Joshua never planned on getting married or having a family. That is, until he meets Maisy and finds himself drawn to her and her situation.


Ms. Irvin wrote a wonderfully sweet and moving story that had me feeling all the emotions; shame, grief, embarrassment, forgiveness, acceptance, and love. The message of love, faith, and forgiveness stood strong; making this sweet and inspirational read one I could not put down, drawing me in, making me forget it was fiction. This inspiring and touching story will stay with you long after you finish reading it. I highly recommend Every Good Gift to other readers.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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