Love Me Forever by Layla Hagen

Travis and Bonnie’s love story in Love Me Forever by Layla Hagen, book five in her The Maxwell Brothers series, is a wonderful, heartwarming romance that will have you swooning and falling in love right along with them. Bonnie and Travis meet while both are away from home and are drawn to one another, share an amazing chemistry and decide to spend the time they’re together; having a week long fling. The chemistry between Bonnie and Travis was electrifying, and going much deeper than an instant connection. When Bonnie discovers she is pregnant she believes that Travis has a right to know; though she doesn’t expect him to participate in the baby’s life. When she tries to contact Travis, she can’t get a hold of him. She keeps trying until she finally finds an alternate way to reach him. Meeting together, they decide to co-parent together as friends, nothing else. Travis can’t help himself and becomes an alpha, or caveman-like, protector, surprising Bonnie who did not expect that of him. As they spend time getting to know one another, their earlier attraction resurfaces, and their friendship grows into more; just like their little peanut.


Bonnie has been hurt by those who were supposed to love her and doesn’t trust easily. She wants to believe that Travis wants her, not just because of the baby; but it’s difficult for her to believe that he truly feels that way. Travis finally understands, thanks to the help of his super smart family, and works hard to get Bonnie to believe that is how he truly feels. The Maxwell family is amazing and so supportive. They stepped right in, welcoming Bonnie into the family, and gave her the love and sense of belonging that she was always wanted. It was also great to catch up with other couples. 


Ms. Hagen wrote a wonderful, emotional, and heartwarming story that should not be missed. She provided a tale rich with sizzling chemistry, strong magnetism, amazing family dynamics, clever banter, the magic of love, and endearing characters giving Travis and Bonnie a chance at love, happiness, and a future together neither expected. I highly recommend Love Me Forever to other readers.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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