Flirting with the Beast by Jane Porter



Flirting with the Beast by Jane Porter, book two in her Modern Love series, is a delightful take on Beauty and the Beast, with grown up love, obligations, family, and old baggage. Widowed Andi is trying to come to terms with her husband's death while also realizing that maybe her marriage actually wasn't all that great. Her stepson ignores her and she is lonely. She loves her job, but something is missing. Ready to celebrate Christmas once again but with things not going right, Andi travels to her husband’s mountain cabin for a badly needed retreat. An awkward encounter with her gruff neighbor, Wolf, doesn't help. When a storm hits and she's stranded at the cabin, Wolf unexpectedly comes to her rescue; showing a side to him that she had not realized before. Questioning everything she thought she knew about Wolf leads to sparks and passion; feelings she never had with another man. Wolf is an ex-Marine, and a true alpha-male; called a beast by his ex-wife, Wolf is a loner. He enjoys his alone time, loves living in the woods, away from the world. He has a distant relationship with his sons, while grieving the loss of the eldest Wolf has insulated himself from the outside world while living and working in his cabin. As he gets to know Andi, whose dead husband was his neighbor nemesis, the rules change and he finds himself attract to woman she has become. In addition he rearranges his life for his widowed daughter-in-law and grandson, who need his help.

The night Andi and Wolf spent together was supposed to be a one-time fling, but when he shows up in her hometown, things reignite. Andi is ready to open her heart as she is trying new things and getting out of her comfort zone. Andi finally seeing Wolf for who he is, and not just the neighbor her late husband disliked, added depth to the relationship. Their love was so real, so raw, even with all the emotions and thoughts women of a certain age go through. While falling for a Beast like Wolf wasn't in the plan, it could work, if only he could learn to trust and share. Andi deserved to be love for who she is, not as someone else expects.

Ms. Porter gave so much emotion and depth to this story: family issues, learning how to move forward after major life changes, learning to trust and crack open closed hearts, and definitely realizing that family means more than just blood. She created a perfect balance in her characters: gruff and tough, sizzling hot Wolf and sweet, but strong Andi, who are perfect for each other, while delicately balancing those new feelings and emotions in a different matter. This story is filled with strong attraction, intensity, humor, and passion in this awesome must read story. I highly recommend Flirting with the Beast to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.


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