A Thousand Miles by


A Thousand Miles by Bridget Morrisey, a story of how to forgive, make amends and go after what you truly want in life, is a second chance story for Dee Matthews and Ben Porter. Dee Matthews runs a podcast with her friend Javi, named “Did I Forget To Tell You?” where they overshare everything about their love lives, home life, and past. While she's used to rehashing what she's been through, or interviewing others on what they have been through, there is one thing that she's held off on talking about. They share everything with their listeners, which is why the podcast is so popular. She'll talk about train-wreck dates, pickup lines, and bad sex experiences. The only thing Dee refuses to share is the name of her first boyfriend from high school, her former best friend, her first love, Ben Porter. Not allowed. Ben isn't someone she's used to sharing like this and when she slips up in one episode, he is the only name on the show to ever be bleeped out, and they use “name redacted” whenever they discuss him.

Dee and Ben broke up right at the end of high school, and have not been in touch over the past 10 years, so when Ben appears on Dee’s doorstep, she’s completely surprised. Ten years ago, Ben promised Dee they would repeat their road trip from Chicago to Denver in ten years. The original trip was made during spring break of their senior year in high school, and Ben is determined to keep his promise to Dee. A promise is a promise and suddenly the two have to see if all those years of separation will make this somewhat spontaneous road trip to an old time capsule awkward and tense... or if they can fall back to where they left off last. Ben has had one of the worse years ever. After losing his grandma, he learns something about his life; something he never thought could have happened and needs to come to terms with it. He doesn't know how to talk to his family and he's not sure he wants to right now. Digging up this time capsule and having Dee back by his side may just be exactly what he needs to get him through what's going on in his head. The longer they're together, the better it feels... but there is a lot that needs to be addressed. It doesn't help that after the last trip they took things started going downhill between them. Maybe this time they can open their hearts, confront the wounds, and heal after all this time.

Ms. Morrisey wrote a story of how to forgive, make amends and go after what you truly want in life. She provided a tale rich with emotions, sizzling chemistry, clever banter, and endearing characters giving Dee and Ben a chance at love, and a future together. I highly recommend A Thousand Miles to other readers.


I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

This book releases on 6/21/2022


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