Last Duke Standing by Julia London



Last Duke Standing by Julia London, book one in her Royal Match series, is a  wonderful, enjoyable, charming, humorous tale of a princess in need of a husband and the opionated Scottish lord tasked to escort her as she is introduced to some of the best and most eligible bachelors. With the impending death of her father and a hint of scandal in her past, Crown Princess Justine of Westloria, accompanied by her younger sister, is sent to England to learn the ropes of royalty, receiving tutelage from none other than Queen Victoria herself. Justine is also in the market for a proper husband; one fit to marry the future queen of Wesloria. William, Lord Douglas, a notoriously rake and heir to the Duke of Hamilton seat in Scotland, who knows simply everyone, while decidedly not husband material, is on hand as an escort of sorts. William has been recruited to keep an eye on the royal matchmaker for the Weslorian prime minister, tasked to ensure the princess is matched with a man of quality, especially, one who will be sympathetic to the prime minister’s views. Also assisting in the search is the celebrated matchmaker, Lila Aleksander.  William remembers the princess from her last visit to England eight years ago and is not prepared for the lovely young woman he is introduced to when he calls on her. At first, Justine is annoyed by William’s presence, but as time passes, they form a friendship and she comes to trust him and his insights about her suitors; suitors that are clearly not right for he


I loved the friendship that formed between Justine and William as he proves to be most insightful sharing his opinion about the men she is forced to meet, whether she wants it or not. Both characters are competitive, creating bets about the suitors, finding ways to escape the others, as well as spend time together. There is a strong chemistry and attraction between them that Lila, the matchmaker, recognizes early on.


Ms. London wrote a wonderful story filled with humor, witty banter, warmish love scenes, wonderful leads, great secondary characters, secrets, scandals, a bit of heartache, and the magic of love that should not to be missed. I highly recommend Last Duke Standing to other readers and look forward to the next book in the series.


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