Crazy Rich Cajuns, an all-new sexy, small town, opposites attract rom com from New York Times bestselling author Erin Nicholas, is Available Now!

He wears suits and ties. He’ll one day inherit a fortune. He has a law degree. He shines his shoes, for God’s sake. What is she doing attracted to a guy like him? But she is. She so is.

She drives air boats on the bayou, drinks and cusses, and gives city boys in suits a hard time just for fun. Why can’t he get her out of his mind? But he can’t. He definitely can’t.

A weekend trip to Savannah for a fancy-schmancy party with his highfalutin family is the surefire way to prove that they have nothing in common but intense chemistry. And to maybe scratch this I’ve-never-wanted-anyone-like-I-want-you itch once or twice. Or five times.

But it takes only about twenty-four hours for the bayou girl and the city boy to figure out that they don’t really know much at all–about each other, or about themselves. And figuring all of this out is going to be downright crazy.

My Review: 5 Stars

Kennedy and Bennett’s love story in Crazy Rich Cajuns by Erin Nicholas, book four in her Boys of the Bayou series, was amazing as they were perfect for each other. Ms. Nicholas’ books are a must read for me as they grab me and don’t let go from the moment I open the book and read page one.  Kennedy and Bennett appear to be opposites but they are so much more similar than I expected. The direction this story took was perfect despite not being what I expected. Kennedy was such a surprise, although knowing that she used to compete on the pageant circuit I shouldn’t have been that shocked at her decisions for her future. Plus, Bennett was more than just a rich, hot, man, attracted to Kennedy. Throw in his crazy family and their friends and you have an amazing story.

Ms. Nicholas wrote a wonderful, humorous, challenging, and sexy story that is not to be missed. This tale is filled with sexual chemistry, fun dialogue, and endearing characters. This book contains a cast of characters one would only find in an Erin Nicholas story. I am so glad Kennedy and Bennett found the courage to be true to who they really are as well as to take a chance at love and a forever together.  I highly recommend Crazy Rich Cajuns to other reader and cannot wait for the next book in the series.

Plot: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Heat: 3.5/5
Writing Style: 5/5
Overall: 5/5

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Crazy Rich Cajuns, an all-new sexy, small town, opposites attract rom com
New York Times
bestselling author Erin Nicholas, is Available Now!
He wears suits and ties. He’ll one day inherit a fortune. He has a law degree. He shines
his shoes, for God’s sake. What is she doing attracted to a guy like him? But she is. She
so is.
She drives air boats on the bayou, drinks and cusses, and gives city boys in suits a hard
time just for fun. Why can’t he get her out of his mind? But he can’t. He definitely can’t.
A weekend trip to Savannah for a fancy-schmancy party with his highfalutin family is the
surefire way to prove that they have nothing in common but intense chemistry. And to
maybe scratch this I’ve-never-wanted-anyone-like-I-want-you itch once or twice. Or five
But it takes only about twenty-four hours for the bayou girl and the city boy to figure out
that they don’t really know much at all–about each other, or about themselves. And
figuring all of this out is going to be downright crazy.
Download your copy today!
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